MMRL comes with a new Installer — version 2.18.17

by Der_Googler
~1 minute
MMRL comes with a new Installer — version 2.18.17

This update comes with a brand new installer terminal and the release of the internal terminal API.

Read more about Installer V2 here.

Also, ModConf received a breaking change that affects the Terminal function. This function has been migrated to a Native-class extension. You can now implement the Chooser class to let users choose files like pif.json to import a new spoof.

This update will break MMRL Install Tools and will no longer receive updates.

So — what's new?

  • New installer terminal: Introducing a revamped terminal for the installer, designed to enhance usability and functionality.
  • Added word wrap to the terminal: Text in the terminal will now automatically wrap, ensuring better readability.
  • Added line numbers to the terminal: Line numbers are now displayed, making it easier to track code and debug issues.
  • Fixed a problem where the screenshots aren't scrollable: Resolved an issue that prevented screenshots from being scrollable, improving the overall user experience.
  • Download and install button combined: The download and install buttons have been merged to save space and streamline the installation process.

We are excited to bring you these improvements and believe they will greatly enhance your experience with MMRL. As always, we welcome your feedback and look forward to hearing your thoughts on this update!


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