The MMRL Project

The MMRL Project

The MMRL project is to show off what you can do with web development. MMRL counts as a hybrid app (read more here) and supports its own implantation of the native Java SuFile class/function. In the future we will continue to develop this app and trying too add always new cool features.

Which apps/tools are part of this project?

What is the point of MMRL and what are some facts about it?

  • Supporting a wide range of devices without facing any ROM based GUI issues, such as misaligned text, cards etc
  • Delivering the app in the same design for everyone. The MMRL native app is nearly the same as the one in the browser — the browser version is limited to only view and download online modules
  • Offer a dynamic configuration framework (ModConf) for module developers. This is a feature that @Fox2Code wanted to implant to his app — FoxMMM
  • MMRL was a side project while I was contributing to FoxMMM
  • The project was nearly dropped because of lack of interest but thanks to @Fox2Code who saved it!
  • MMRL v1.5.0 was developed in React Native, which was the reason above. But after couple of weeks/months I reverted it and began to rework the base of v1.4.0, which is a today high-quality app.
  • ModFS was previously named "ModConf"
  • v1.7.4 introduced the explore installer which required MMRL Install ToolsMMRL Install Tools is now deprecated and replaced by MMRL-CLI
  • v1.70 introduced the ModFS system, which made MMRL nearly fully configurable. Even the installer is!
  • v1.8.5 introduced the today known as ModConf system which offers ready-to-use framework

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